The truly story of shoes ever told


This time shoes are stars and they play the role of their idols. Here you have two pairs of shoes living moments extremely connected with two famous films. Enjoy the show.

(Recalling the film " Gentlemen prefers blonde")

(Humming while waiting) Diamonds are a  giiiiiirsl´s best friend!, 
(la, la, la, la)
Talk to me Harry Winston, tell me all about it!

(Recalling Grease) (Alone and with a melancholic feeling) (Singing)

But now,
There´s nooooowhere to hide, since you pushed my love asiiiide, 
 IIIIIIII´m noooot in my heead, 
hopelessly devoteeeed tooo youuuu, uuuu...
hopelessly devoteeed to youuuu, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
hopelessly devoted to youuuuu.

To be continued...

(Re-read the full story clicking on "Cool cartoons" box above at the menu bar.)